tillbaka till Taikas dagbok
23/11 Geocatching:)
16/11 Från Anna:
I just got Taika’s blood test results: liver values are still up (as was expected) but they have gone down compared to the previous ones! So we don’t need to start any medication at this point, but will check the situation again in the end of December or beginning of January.
15/11 Från Anna:
Taika’s ultrasound went well, no tumors were found and her liver and other organs all seemed normal! The only minor finding was that there was a bit more mucus than is desirable in the gallbladder. The vet said that she doesn’t think it alone is the reason behind the rise in Taika’s liver values but since the values are not alarmingly high and Taika is seemingly fine, there’s no need to start taking biopsies from the liver at this point. They took another set of blood samples to see where we are with the values now, and the vet will call me when she gets the results. If the liver values are still as high as they were a couple of weeks ago or if they have risen some more, we will start a gallbladder medication to see if it helps with the liver values. But the main point was that there is no need to worry Also the biopsy results from the lump had arrived and there was nothing alarming. I’ll continue keeping an eye on the lump and if it grows or starts to irritate Taika, we will remove it. Taika also has a dentist appointmend scheduled in 3 weeks, we will do another check on the liver values after that.
11/11 Jag har inte hört nåt från Anna på länge så jag skrev och frågade hur det var och så här svarade Anna:
Hej, sorry for the late reply! And thanks for the congrats We are probably not going to go to any shows with Taika, at some point I thought it might be fun, but probably not worth all the hassle… I have mainly focused in rally obedience with her, probably didn’t even remember to inform you that Taika got her fourth title in rally last March
I’ve been hoping to maybe someday get a rally champion title but we haven’t received any of the required results yet, so I don’t know if that will happen either. Taika has been having something going on in her liver for a while now, she suddenly lost a lot of weight during the summer of 2020 and we didn’t really find any explanation what caused that. The blood tests only showed that her liver values were up – not a lot, but higher than what they should have been. She got her weight back with a change of diet, and we have just been monitoring the liver values twice a year since Taika hasn’t had any symptoms of illness. However, in the last checkups a couple of weeks ago, the liver values had suddenly doubled
We have an appointment next Monday for ultrasound, to take a look at her internal organs. And addition to that, a week ago I found a small (less than 1cm x 1cm) black lump on her side
They took some samples from it last Monday and the vet was supposed to call me today with some results, but I haven’t heard anything yet. It has been quite stressful and worrying time for me now
At least she doesn’t seem to be in any pain, she has been her happy self the whole time I will keep you updated.