pappa Aaron

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VD HCH D CH Atoga the Spirit of Heyoka ”Aaron”
Född 2003-03-20
Höjd: 50 cm
Vikt: 20.5 kg
Höfter: A1
Atros: UA
Ögon: UA, Optigen A
Aarons hemsida
Begleithundeprüfung (det är skott, lydnad i olika situationer): A och B = mycket bra (very good) 54 poäng/60
Bundesjugendsieger 2005
Deutscher Champion, VDH (alla tyska hundar)
German Champion, DRC, retrieverklubben
Formwert: en domare kollar hur hunden är mot rasstandarden både stående och i rörelse. Aaron fick Excellent (det bästa)
JP/R: för yngre hundar, skott och vilt: good
Wesentest (mentaltest): gdk
Dummy A: very good
ZZL är en ”breeding licens” och den fick Aaron 050324

Här kommer en engelsk förklaring av Petra till Aarons meriter:

Here is a short description of the passed tests:
Wesenstest (Mentaltest): Here the dog has to pass different strange optic and acustic things, play with the judge and some other persons, has to follow his owners through a strange area, play a pulling game with the judge. There are some more exercises like staying with the owner in a circle of people and also stay there, when the owner leaves the circle.
All the exercises are planned in a way, that the stress of a dog will be increases more and more to see, if he is reliable also in stressful and heavy situations.
Aaron had much fun there and enjoyed the adventure parc! 🙂 The result can only be passed or not passed, there are no points.
Begleithundeprüfung: That is like the obedience test. You have to pass several exercises. The dog hast to follow close to you with and without a leash, has to bring a dummy with sitting in front of you, has to sit and lay down very fast on your signals, has to stay for a few minutes, when you left the area and he can´t see you. There are some shots, that he has to stand and he has to walk through a group of people without jumping on them and without to chose more distance to the group. There are two parts of the test (A and B). The part B has similar exercises like part A but is placed in a city, where you have to walk besides of a street and you can meet strange dogs and people.
You have to call for your dog in different situations and he always has to come immediately.
This is a test, that shall show, if the dog is ready for everyday´s work.
Aaron got a very good result here.
Formwert: Here the judge checks, if the dog is according to the breeding standard. The dog is checked standing and moving and has to pass several shots. Aaron gots an ”excellent” here, what is the best result.
JP/R: That is the youth hunting test. There is a free lost for bunnies and ducks, some shots, the dog has to bring a dead duck over the water. That means, the dog has to wait besides you. Than, on the other edge of the water, there is a shot and a duck fells down the floor. Your dog has to wait quite for your signal, has to enter the water, swim through, climb out of the water, find the duck and come back the same way with not shaking before giving you the duck.
Further the dog has to work a track of about 300 Meters with at least three 90-degree-angles.
In another exercises all the dogs has to do a walk up. Every few meters one of the dogs has to bring a fallen duck and came back to the line. During this time the other dogs have to wait quite besides their owners.
Dummy A: In this dummytest the dogs have to work a free lost, a marking, a little obedience part with a memory, have to bring a dummy out of the water with waiting quite besides you till your signal allows to leave. It´s a similar hunting test, but you take dummies for the work.
There are much more titles, Aaron got in Shows.
The most important titles are the German Champion (VDH) -the VDH is the large Club over all german dog clubs-, the German Champion (DRC)- the DRC is the large german Retriever Club, and the Bundessieger 2005 (VDH), what is a champion title, that the VDH gives each year.
We took part there in 2005 for the only time and Aaron won over all taking part Tollers of Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland and so on.

Här kommer en förklaring till Wesentestet från Sinaida (min andra vän i Tyskland) Tack snällaSinaida. Hugs to you!:

Wesenstest: Temperament, Bewegungs- und Spieltrieb:
Mental checking: temper, moving, playfulness:

Der Rüde zeigt heute sehr viel Temperament und hohen Bewegungstrieb. Seine ausgeprägte Spielfreude zeigt er während des gesamten Testablaufs.
The dog shows a lot of temper today and likes to move. He likes to play throughout the whole test.

Ausdauer, Unerschrockenheit, Härte, Aufmerksamkeit:
Staying power (persistence / endurance), being free from fear, hardness, attention:

Die Ausdauer im Verfolgen eigener Ziele ist äußerst hoch. Er zeigt sich sehr unerschrocken und immer sehr aufmerksam (Richter). Die Härte ist gut.
His persistance in achieving his aims is very high. He is very fearless and always very attentive (to the judge). The hardness is good.

Beute- und Bringtrieb, Spür- und Stöbertrieb:
whoah, that´s difficult! This means how much he wants to have something (a ball for example), if he retrieves it, and if he uses his nose and is checking / examining the area around him.

Der Beutetrieb ist sehr ausgeprägt vorhanden, der Bringtrieb ist gut. Der Rüde zeigt während seiner ’selbständigen Phasen’ auch Spür- und Stöbertrieb.
He has a high ”wanting the ball” ;-)), and a good ”will to retrieve” . The dog shows examining the area / using his nose when he is on his own.

Unterordnung und Bindung:
Obedience and liasion to the leader:

Die Unterordnungsbereitschaft ist ausreichend gut, die Bindung zu den Führern sollte allerdings dringend gefördert werden.
the obedience is ”ok” (not the best), the liasion to the leader should be better.

Sicherheit gegenüber Menschen, Kreisprobe, Rückenlage:
Behaviour with people, Kreisprobe = special test, Rückenlage = the judge puts the dog on his back on the floor and holds him down:

Gegenüber fremden Menschen ist der Rüde stets freundlich, interessiert und spielbereit. Die einengenden Situationen beeindrucken nicht, in der Rückenlage schmust er.
The dog is always friendly with people and strangers, he is interested in them and wants to play. He doesn´t have any problem if many persons come very close to him (=Kreisprobe). When the judge puts him on his back, the dog wants to cuddle. 😉

Sicherheit gegenüber optischen und akustischen Reizen:
Safetiness against optical and acoustical ”things”:

Auf dem Parcours schaut er sich alle Reize vollständig von allein an. Er ist sicher und unerschrocken.
The dog checks out all the ”things” on his own and without help. He feels safe  and fearless.

Ein sehr triebstarker, sehr aufmerksamer und vollkommen sicherer Toller Rüde, der gute Arbeitsanlagen zeigt. Er ist sehr elbstsicher, worin ihn die Bindungsdefizite noch unterstützen
A dog with a lot of ”drive”. A very attentive and absolutely safe / fearless Toller dog who shows good working abilities. He is very self-confident (happy on his own), which shows even more because the liasion to the handler/owner could be better.


Aarons diplom100404Aarons birthday!Jag har fått nya bilder av Petra på Aaron, thank you Petra for the lovely photos! *hugs* 100320


 080427 i Italien med husse


Like father like son! They look so adorable! Thank you Petra for the lovely photos of the boysAaron och hans son Filho som bor med familjen 08031


Bilder från Aarons semester med familjen i Toscana i juni -07Congratulation Aaron to your beautiful puppies! *big hug*


De här bilderna tog jag på Aaron när jag och Malla träffade Petra, Mirko och Aaron i Stockholm 070612

Matte PetraHusse Mirko

Aaron som valp