Domare C-D


Cannon Yvonne, Ireland

Started judging Irish Softcoated Wheaten & Bernese Mountain Dogs in 1987. Started breeding Irish Softcoated Wheaten in 1970’s (late), now also Shih Tzu.

I judge Group 2 (all), Group 3 (all), Shih Tzu, Bichon Frise, Chinese Crested, Boston T, French Bulldogs.

My father Wallie Ladd had Wheatens from late 1960’s so I was reared in a Terrier household, my mother had gundogs. All Details re my history in dogs can be found on my webbsite

Camac, Michael, Australien
Kennel Names: Dulcannina, Amesen
I have been involved in the Dog World since 1968 as a successful breeder, exhibitor and exporter of Australian Silky Terriers under the "DULCANNINA" prefix and as an exhibitor of all three varieties of Poodles and Lhasa Apsos. From the age of ten I handled my family's dogs in the show ring and later became a partner in the kennel. Making up approximately 55 Champions, Dulcannina bred and owned the first Silky Terrier to win Best in Show at a Royal Show within Australia (Melbourne Royal 1972). Best in Group at 10 Royal Shows throughout Australia including Darwin Royal 1992, Melbourne Royal 1992. In addition to my involvement with Silky Terriers, I co-owned and handled the White Standard Poodle "Aust. Ch. Leander White Blazer (Imp Sth Africa)" to Best in Show Sydney Royal Easter Show 1988. For the past 12 years I have also been involved with Lhasa Apsos with great success as a partner with Jenny Longmire in the "AMESEN" prefix.
I was first approved to judge the Toy Breeds in 1978 and achieved All Breeds status in 1989. I have officiated at shows in all States of Australia, Sweden, both Islands of New Zealand, India and Canada and judged the Pedigree Chum Junior Showmanship Final at Crufts in 1994. In 1992 I was invited to lecture on Silky Terriers to the Terrier Judges at the Terrier Derby Conference in Sweden. Currently I am the Deputy chair of the South Australian Judges Education Program and in charge of Educating Non Sporting Group Judges I am a ANKC accredited Examiner / assessor for All breeds
Cardell Agneta
Min första hund fick jag i doppresent av min farfar. Det var en s.k. råttehund, dvs dansk-svensk gårdshund. Jag växte upp med småhundsraser och önskade mig en stor hund. 1968 kunde jag köpa en egen hund, en golden retriever. Jag är uppfödare av golden retriever sedan 1970-talet, under kennelnamn Dasty, Bland min uppfödning finns ett flertal champions, samt många hundar med tre cert.

Via Svenska Retrieverklubben har jag fått en mycket nära kontakt med de övriga spaniel och retrieverraserna. Under många år har jag varit funktionär på såväl utställningar som jaktprov.

Eftersom jag sedan 1980-talet har arbetat i England, ha jag fått förmånen att lära mig enormt mycket från “ gamla” uppfödare, såsom kennel Westley, Nortonwood, Styal, Standfast och Rayleas.. m.fl. Så småningom började jag döma på mindre utställningar i England och blev senare A1 domare, GRC, för golden retriever. Parallellt fick jag också domaruppdrag i Danmark, Norge och Sverige. 1991gick jag SKK’s preparandkurs för utställningsdomare och blev auktoriserad 1992. Allteftersom har jag även auktoriserats på övriga retrieverraser samt engelsk springer-, welsh springer- och amerikansk cocker spaniel.

Jag har dömt i många länder, bl.a. i Australien. Mina största upplevelser som domare har varit att döma mer än 400 golden tikar i Bath CS samt när jag dömde på World Dog Show i Stockholm. Genom åren har jag dömt tollare och curly’s vid ett flertal tillfällen i Sverige, Danmark, Norge, Tyskland samt ytterligare några europeiska länder. Jag är särskilt hedrad att fått döma på rasernas specialutställningar. Mina domaruppdrag är cirka 10 ggr per år, fördelat på “mina”hund raser.

Jag är mycket hedrad av att få döma nova duck tolling retrievers och curly coated retrievers vid Stockholm Hundmässan 2011, Sveriges största och bästa utställning 

Carlsson Anders 
Driver Carmals Kennel och A&M Jakthundsservice tillsammans med Mirjam Axner. vi föder upp Labrador Retriever, Wachtelhund och Borderterrier.
Har också spaniel. Jag har jagat med Retriever sedan 1979 och tävlat på prov sedan 1981. Jag är jägare sedan barnsben och hundarna har jag för att dom är en del i den jakten jag bedriver.
Jag har tävlat på prov med viss framgång. startar nog väldigt begränsat i förhållande till andra provintresserade. Jag har två SM vinster och en tredjeplacering i SM på fyra starter. Jag har tre stycken nu levande A provschampions och ett antal B provschampions har jag också fört fram. Jag har representerat Sverige på Europacupen fyra gånger. Jag har två individuella tredjeplaceringar och en lagvinst för Sverige. Till det kommer några Cacitvinster på Internationella prov.
Jag har varit domare sedan 1994 och nu sedan några år FCI domare. Jag har dömt FCI prov runt om på kontinenten och även dömt ett prov i England. Jag ser fram emot att döma på Paw of Sweden Trial och hoppas få se många bra hundar.
Carlström Ann
Jag heter Ann Carlström och föder upp Strävhårig Vorsteh, Borderterrier och Strävhårig Tax under under kennelnamnet Fågelåsen. Under min uppväxt fanns det cocker spaniel i familjen, far jagade med våra cockrar, som inte var några utställningshundar. Till vardags arbetar jag som produktspecialist med veterinärteknisk utrustning. Arbetet tar upp en stor del av min tid så uppfödningen är lite sporadisk. Jag är mycket aktivt i föreningslivet  bl.a i Sv. Vorstehklubbens huvudstyrelse som vice ordförande och exteriöransvarig samt som suppleant i Skks centralstyrelse och ordförande i utbildningskommittén, ingår också som lärare vid SKKs preparandkurser för blivande exteriördomare vilket är både kreativt och lärorikt. Jag fick min domarauktorisation för 17 år sen och dömer ca 10-15 utställningar per år. Den tid som blir över tränar och jagar jag med våra hundar. Just nu ser jag fram emot att få döma i Sundsvall och tackar för förtroendet.

Ann Carlström
Uppfödare av Borderterrier och Strävhårig Tax under kennelnamnet Fågelåsens.
Under uppväxten fanns det Cocker spaniel i hemmet, som far jagade med men det var inga utställningshundar.
Jag är auktoriserad domare sedan 1990 och mycket aktiv i föreningslivet inom flera olika klubbar. Har bland annat haft flera olika uppdrag inom SKK organisationen genom åren

Carroll Sean, Irland
Jag har varit involverad i hunderiet i hela mitt liv. Mina föräldrar födde upp schäfer under prefixet Belliver som idag är mitt kennelnamn. Jag föder upp Shih Tzu, Pomeranian och Papillon men har även fött upp Pudel, Pekingese och några andra raser. Jag är handler på många olika raser. och har varit gruppvinnare i samtliga grupper samt visat fram över 120 hundar till champions. Har dömt i många av de europeiska länderna samt Australien och är utsedd av den Irländska Kennelklubben till Best In Show domare.
Catterall Bernard
I have owned golden retrievers for the greater part of my life, my family owning a pet bitch when I was 6 years of age. She was very dark in colour, probably from working stock, with a dense waivy coat and the most beautiful temperament. She was a young boy's best friend and from such an early age I have loved the breed. I bought my first show bred bitch in 1967, the litter sister to the immortal Ch. Camrose Cabus Christopher. Zilpha Moriarty(later Morgan) her breeder became my friend, mentor and adviser. I was extremely lucky to have one of the most successful kennels in the country within a close distance of my home as the Cabus Kennel had at that time 2 International Champions - Cadet and Combine, and 2 other champions - Defender and Caruso(full brother to Christopher). I had limited success with the few litters I bred, as work and education had to be my main priorities. When I married and became overseas director of the Civil Engineering company I worked for I sadly had to re-home my dogs into pet homes where they lived happily for the rest of their years. On my return from abroad I bought a Christopher daughter from one of his last litters and re-founded my kennel. I have owned 2 champions and bred/owned many Junior Warrant winners and C.C. winners for other people. I have awarded C.C.s since 1988 and have judged in most countries of Europe, Australia, Russia, Estonia, Croatia, Finland, Sweden. I have judged the prestigious Golden Retriever Club's Championship show in 2008 at Stoneleigh where I elected to judge bitches, with a total entry of 470 dogs (dogs & bitches). Now that my wife and I are happily retired, more time can be spent pursuing our hobby and we hope to continue showing and breeding this lovely breed for many more years
Ceccarelli Maria, Italia

Mechanical engineer, she lives in Naples, and she’s involved in dogs world from 1974. She breeds English Cocker Spaniel since 1978 with the “Pulcinella” affix, achieving some good results as International, National and Club Champions, and following the breed evolution attending the annuals Championship Shows and Cruft’s in England. In the 90’s she felt in love with Basenjis that bred for several years and her Pulcinellas are still in the pedigrees in Eastern and Nordic Countries. FCI judge from 2000, she judges group 3rd 5th 8th and more breeds from 1st and 2nd all over Europe. She is President of Neapolitan Kennel Club and organizes the annual International Dog Show Vesuvio Winner. She spent twenty years as Vice President of Italian Spaniel Club, and has been a proud member of FCI Breeding Commission since 2003.

Csik Istvan, Tyskland
Ursprungligen från Ungern. Uppfödare av pudel. Driver en hundsalong i Tyskland. Auktoriserad på raser i grupp 1, 3, 4, 5 samt 9
Cederlöf Patrik
Ung, seriös och ambitiös. Kurskamrat med Sara Nordin. Ses ofta i utställningsringarna med välpresenterade hundar i toppkondition. En ung man med stor social kompetens och som gärna delar med sig av sitt kunnande. Föder med framgång upp Bullterrier, Am. Staff och mops.

Patrik Cederlöf, Sverige

Patrik är från den senast utexaminerade kullen domare och fick sin auktorisation 2005. Han fick sin första egna hund, en dobermann, 1978. Födde upp sin första kull under kennelnamnet Zican 1991. Uppfödningen har inbegripit flera raser men har på senare år varit mest känt för bullraserna främst då sina american staffordshire terrier. Kenneln har varit pionjär i att introducera långhårig moskvaterrier i Sverige.

Patriks hundar har varit framgångsrika med bland annat BIS-vinster och förra året hade han toppvinnare i både mops och basenji.

Annat hundengagemang inkluderar styrelsearbete i ett flertal klubbar bl.a. STOKK, ÖsTek, Sv. Amstaffklubben och Basenjiklubben. Patrik har varit verksam med att höja hundkunskapen och hantering av hund i projekt som drivits i förorterna. Övriga intressen är bilar och kampsport.

Cederstrand Tina

Jag, Tina Cederstrand, har fått den stora äran att döma på Er utställning 17 maj 2015.
Min första hund fick jag 1969. Vi hade då varit på flera utställningar och bestämt oss att en engelsk cockerspaniel ville vi ha och detta med utställningar, var absolut inget för oss och våra hundar.
Det blev en vacker elegant saluki tik på 6 månader, med avtalet att vi måste gå på minst 2 utställningar! Ben Huris Mazhala Kari, som tiken, hette blev BIS1-valp på första utställningen och sedan var vi sålda

tställningar har alltid varit ett måste genom alla år.
1984 klev den klumpiga rasen bullterrier in genom mina dörrar och mitt hjärta. Då jag ville ha en ras som inte jagade, vilket bullterrier är allt för slö och lat för att ens tänka sig.

1991 gick jag en ringsekreterarkurs, för jag kände att det skulle ge mig så mycket och jag skulle få se och lära om många fantastiska raser. Detta har gett mig så mycket lärdom och kunskap att använda i min egen uppfödning.

Jag är ute 3-4 gånger per år som domare på inofficiella utställningar och haft äran att få många vackra hundar i ringen.


Cederström Anders
Auktoriserad som domare 1955, dömer i alla grupper utom grupp 9. Har egen uppfödning av drever, tax, pointer och beagle under kennelnamnet Pålamalmen. Använder sina hundar aktivt i jakt.
Christiansen Frank , Norge
Har sedan barnsben haft hundintresse och egen hund sedan 1965. Under kennelnamnet Börgefjell har jag fött upp strävhårig Foxterrier, Pointer och Gråhund. Jag har alltid strävat efter att lära mig så mycket som möjligt om olika raser och hundmiljöer för att på så sätt förstå deras exteriör samt bruksegenskaper. Resultatet har blivit att vi ägt många olika raser i familjen och deltagit aktivt i olika typer av hundsport. Vidare har jag hållit kurser och föreläsningar på olika tema inom hunsporten. Hunderiet har också influerat min yrkeskarriär, först genom zoologi/etologi vid Universitetet i Trondheim och "Kommunikation hos tamhund, Canis familiaris". Senare utvecklades detta till Dr.grad inom husdjursfrågor/hundetologi vid Norges Lantbrukshögskola med disputation på temat "Jakthundars predator drift på får i lösdrift". Under en 10-årsperiod har jag jobbat med många forskningsproject om hund och då särskilt med vakthundar som ett förebyggande medel mot rovdjursskador på boskap. Förutom att vara jaktprovsdomare på stående fågelhundar är jag exteriördomare på de flesta raser, vilket har medfört många intressanta domaruppdrag runt om i Skandinavien, Tyskland, England och USA.
Oavsett teoretiska kunskaper och praktiska erfarenheter blir man aldrig fullärd och orsaken till detta är att hunden är det bästa (mest extrema) exempel på vad som kan uppnås med genetisk selektion, dvs ingen annan art visar samma mångfald i storlek och form, karaktär eller variation i aktiviteter/bruksförmåga.

Chwalibóg Elzbieta, Polen

Blev färdig domare 1969 och började då med grupp 3. Hon dömer även grupp 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9. Är uppfödare på fox terrier, welsh terrier och westie under kennelnamnet Z Jabtonowa

Clark Stella, England
Dogs have played a major part in my life and we always had dogs in our home. My first actual show dog was purchased in 1967. He was a beautiful Rough Collie, with a coat the colour of mahogany and a full white collar with a mane down to the ground. He
was a magnificent animal and it was through him that I fell in love with this breed. From 1967 our Rough Collie family grew and we were very lucky in our chosen breed, breeding several CC winners. In 1975 the long awaited Smooth Collie came
into our lives. Chosen for their overall outgoing personality and clean body lines. They mixed well with our Rough Collies and to this
day still give us so much pleasure. We have bred many Champions, the most memorable CH Astrellita Silversmith who was BOB at Crufts, also the lovely bitch Ch Astrellita Blue Movie at Glenmist 31 CC’s and BOB at Crufts. A hairstylist for most of my adult life I retired and went on to enjoy 13 years in Veterinary Nursing. From there I held the position of Manager in a very large quarantine kennels for 3 years. Consequently I have seen all sides of the dog scene. Judged my first show in 1972, judged my first Championship show in 1984. I have since awarded CC’s at 33 Championship shows in Rough/Smooth/Border and Bearded Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs. Judged two World shows and many European and Scandinavian Countries also Russia, Croatia, Hungary, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. Judged Smooth Collies at Crufts in 1993 the same year my book Rough and Smooth Collies was published. I am looking forward to my visit to Norway where I hope to meet many new Collie lovers.
Class Anne-Marie, France

I was involved in the Dog World since 1971 when I bought my first dog, a Bullmastiff. It was a bitch daughter from Bullstaff Festival and grand-daughter from the famous Bullstaff Achilles. She was not really a show dog and I bought a dog which became a great champion. I breed some litters and became involved in the breed club.
I became a judge in 1980.
I bought my first Mastiff in 1982. ...

I am the president of the French breed club, the Club français du Bullmastiff et du Mastiff.
My kennel name is de la Basse Roche, I bred very occasionally English Mastiffs.
I judge many breeds in Group 2 and some other breeds in Groups 7, 1 and 10.
I used to be a chemist for years. Since 1996, I write articles or books around the dog World.
I am a member of the French Kennel Club board since 2006 and I currently deputy general secretary of the SCC and the secretary of the FCI judges committee.


Clerk Elsbeth, Schweiz
Välkänd terrierdam. Uppfödare av skotsk terrier. Ordförande i den Schweiziska dvärghundsklubben


Mark Clifford - Belvden Gundogs 

I have lived in the Vale of Belvoir since childhood and started shooting when I was 12 years old. I bought my first Springer Spaniel when I was nineteen. Since then I have trained and shot over many Spaniels and started competing in Field Trials in 1996.
I have qualified for numerous British and Irish Championships, made up four Field Trial Champions, been 3rd in the Irish Championship, 4th and best dog in the British Championship with FTCH Belvden Collingwood.
It is a great honour to judge this year with Adrian who I respect and admire for his integrity and honesty. We judged the Danish Championship last year and thoroughly enjoyed the event.
My other sport is competing in the British Rally Championship with a MK2 Escort built and prepared by my own business in the UK.


Cochetti Francesco, Italy
I was born year 1963 in Rome, Italy, in a “dog family”, my father was a judge and bred together with mother Poodles with the prefix “Della Perla Grigia”. My affix “Di San Gimignano” was recognized by the Italian Kennel Club in the end of 80's. San Gimignano is a beautiful medieval town in Toscana. At that time I bred Poodles, the lines came from England, from Tiopepi Kennel. I began to breed and show Chihuahuas year 1996 after marrying a Chihuahua breeder Tuula Lehtinen-Cochetti (Misty Meadow’s Chihuahuas).

I am listed in Italian Kennel Club (ENCI) a specialist in the breeds I have bred, Poodles and Chihuahuas. I'm also a teacher of these breeds to new judges. I'm currently breeding Jack Russell Terriers in a small scale as well.

I am currently the president of the Rome Kennel Club, and have been a committee member of Club Cani Compagnia and the president of the Chihuahua Club (under Club Cani Compagnia).

I came a judge in year 1992. My first breed was Poodles. I am group allrounder for several FCI groups: 3, 4, 9 and 10. Additional I am a judge for all sizes of Schnauzers, Alaskan Malamute, English Cocker Spaniel and American Cocker Spaniel.

I have judged in Italy, England, Finland, USA, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Belgium, France, Hungary, Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Israel, Luxembourg, Germany, Iceland, Republic Of San Marino, Russia, Slovenia, Estonia, Poland, Ireland, Serbia, Spain, Lithuania, Slovakia, Portugal, Czech Republic, Thailand, Latvia, Croatia, Romania and New Zealand


BEST IN SHOW judge for the Friday's show
Born in year 1963 in Rome, Italy, in a “dog family”, his father was a judge and bred together with mother Poodles with the prefix “Della Perla Grigia”.
His affix “Di San Gimignano” was recognized by the Italian Kennel Club in the year 1984. San Gimignano is a beautiful medieval town in Toscany. At that time he bred Poodles, the lines came from England, from Tiopepi Kennel. He began...
to breed and show Chihuahuas year 1996 after marrying a Chihuahua breeder Tuula Lehtinen-Cochetti (Misty Meadow’s Chihuahuas). He has also bred in the past Dobermann and Boston Terrier.
They have won many Championship titles with their Chihuahuas and Poodles including World and European Winners. Together with his wife he bred more than 400 Champions.
He became a judge in year 1992 and in March 2013 he became an all rounder.
He is listed in Italian Kennel Club (ENCI) a specialist in the breeds he has bred, Poodles and Chihuahuas. He is also a teacher of these breeds to new judges. He is currently breeding Jack Russell Terriers in a small scale as well.

At the moment he is the President of the Rome Kennel Club and Board member of the Italian Maltese and Bolognese Club and he has been a committee member of Club Cani Compagnia and the president of the Chihuahua Club (under Club Cani Compagnia).

He has judged all over the world, in more than 45 different countries, including World and European Shows. He has judged BIS in the most prestigious shows around the world and he had the honor to judge the group nine final at the European Show 2012.

He has participated as a judge at the most important specialties for Toy and Terrier breeds.

He is the writer of a Chihuahua’s book which have been translated in different languages.
He has been often the lecturer for seminars organized also abroad, for Bolognese Maltese, Chihuahua, Poodle and Jack Russell Terrier.

Cocozza Mark

Mark began his involvement with pedigree dogs 36 years ago when he was 10 years old exhibiting his first breed, Afghan Hounds. He began judging when he was 16 years and was also a finalist at the Junior Handling Association Finals in the same year. In 30 years of judging he has been approved to judge over 40 breeds in the hound, utility and toy groups. He is approved to judge the hound, utility group and Best in Show at championship show level and is one of only five UK judges to judge all hound breeds. He has judged all over the world, including many national specialities and at Crufts on numerous occations.

He has owned and bred around 20 UK champions in Afghan Hounds, Miniature Wire Haired Dachshunds, PBGV's, Ibizan Hound's and a Tibetan Terriers including multi group winners and BID winner CH Araki Fabulous Willy sho later went onto BIS Crufts 2007. Along with this he has owned the youngest champion PBGV and the youngest Afghan bitch champion in the history of the breed and has been the owner of profilic series in both Afghans and PBGV.

He is currently chairperson of the Afghan Hound Association having served on its committee for many years and has been involved in judges education in several hound breeds. He is show manager at Houndshow, the largest one day hound show in the world and is vice chairman and show manager of Reading and District Canine Society. He is an active member of the Committee of Southern Counties Championship Dog Show and he is also an elected member of the Board of Directors of the English Kennel Club and sits on various committees and working parties

Collis Joyce, England
Innehavare av prefixet Beagold sedan 1957 då hon hade beagles och golden retriever. Blev domare 1969 och är auktoriserad att döma 13 st raser. Dömt över hela världen. Har haft flertalet raser australian shepards, korthårig och långhårig collie, bouvier des flandres och shetland sheepdog. Men främst är Joyce och hennes partner Felix Cosme världskända för sin uppfödning av border collie och bearded collie. Numera huserar två västgötaspetsar hemmet och ställs ut med stora framgångar i England och på kontinenten.

Corish Geoff

Geoff Corish is very well known worldwide as a top handler/breeder and judge. In the UK he has handled hundreds of champions in every group plus several ‘Dog of the Year’ winners. He has handled 11 group winners at Crufts and has won best in show at Crufts twice, in 1976 with a West Highland White Terrier and in 1984 with a Lhasa Apso. He has bred champions in several breeds but primarily in Lhasa Apso’s and French Bulldogs. He has judged in several countries worldwide. In 2013 he will judge best in show at Crufts, a unique honor. The big Stockholm show is one of his favorites of all time and is thoroughly looking forward to judging this year.

Cozart Doris
I am married and live in Texas with my husband, Gene. We have two children, Michael and Debbie. Debbie is also a judge and lives in Australia.

I have been involved in the world of dogs for many years. I have bred and exhibited Toy Poodles under the Cotian Kennel name. The Cotian Kennel has numerous champions and has produced multiple Best in Show Poodles, including many top producers. I have served as President of the Poodle Club of America several times and have previously served as a member board member for over twenty years.

I have been judging 22 years. I am approved by the AKC for the Toy Group, Non-sporting Group, Working Group and Best in Show. I have been fortunate to judge at many prestigious shows, including Westminster KC, AKC Eukanuba and I have judged The Poodle Club of America four times. I have had the honor of judging in Finland, Italy, Slovenia, Canada, Philippines, South Africa, Norway, Korea, Brazil, China, Thailand and Taiwan. I am looking forward to adjudicating at the International Dog Show 2011 in Stockholm. 

Cox Gerard, Irland
Jag har fött upp och visat Bullterrier i 20 år. Det har resulterat i 15 Irländska champions, 1 UK champion samt 2 Internationella champions. Mina Bullterriers har vunnit titeln "Top terrier of the year" -90, -95 samt 2003. Jag har även fött upp och visat följande raser de senaste 20 åren: Norfolk, Staffordshire Bull, Släthårig Foxterrier och Beagle. Mitt kennel prefix är Coxgal. Jag är auktoriserad att döma alla terriers och "hound" -gruppen på Irland. Har dömt i ett antal länder bl.a. Sverige, Finland och Danmark

Gerard Cox, Irland

Coxgal bullterrier med uppfödning sedan 1980. Gerard med fru Laura började visa hundar 1984 och har ställt ut bullterrier, staffordshire bullterrier, släthårig foxterrier, norfolk och miniatyr bullterrier. Allt som allt har det blivit 17 champions på Irland, 7 internationella champions, en engelsk och en finsk. Paret födde upp och visade Årets Terrier på Irland 1990, 1995, 2005 och 2006 – alla dessa år var det med bullterrier.
Gerard är ordförande i All Ireland Bull Terrier Club.
Han började döma 1987 och har dömt mycket i Europa, Skandinavien, Sydafrika och NSW-Australien.
Gerard har irländsk auktorisation för att döma grupperna 3, 4, 6 och 10 och dömer även bullterrier i Storbritannien.
Han har dömt the UK Bull Terrier Club Trophy Show 2006 samt rasklubbsutställningar i Storbritannien, Irland, Nordirland och Australien.

Coxall Clare
1. Veterinary work: Mrs Coxall was trained under Mr Cornish Bowden a veterinary surgeon,  well known in the Kennel Club This was follewed by a study of genetics at college for a number of years. Her knowladge and liaison with Glasgow University over the sympoms that was later to be known as Parvo Virus led her to the conclusion that the disease that was killing her puppies and dogs, was similar to that suffered by cats. There was no cure at the time. She innoculated her dogs with Felocell, even against her own Vet’s advice, and developed an innoculation programme, that was responsible for saving her dogs lives. Other breeders, in this country, and as far away as USA and a drug company contacted her and she is responsible for saving many dogs lives. She has not sought publicity, but many will confirm this, and she was praised at the Veterinary seminar for her courage and conviction. She gas also helped the veterinary profession with Perthes disease and Cataracts.
2. Mrs Coxall has bred or owned over 179 Champions world wide and has done much to enchance the reputation of British dogs having bred top dogs in six countries.
3. She is well respected judge in over thirty five countries.
4. Mrs Coxall voluntarily trained handlers and their dogs, every week for ten years.
5. She is registrered trainer for the Kennel Club, on Conformation and Movement. She has lectured for many years, on various aspects of dogdom apart from the above, such as Breeding programmes, Presentation, Judging, Kennel Management to many breeds and groups.She has lectured worldwide on canine related subjects in some eight countries, and in many, more than once.
6. Mrs Coxall was awarded Best in Show at Crufts in 1966, and latter bred the dog that went Best in Show at Crufts 1985.
7. Mrs Coxall is a Kennel Club Member, and will be judging Crufts Best in Show in 2008. She bred her first litter (Poodles) in 1957. Has judged in 50 countries overseas. Has judged Best in Show over 10 countries. Has judged over 50.000 dogs. Has owned or bred 179 Champions world wide. Has bred top god in over 6 countries. Has lectured worldwide in
8 countries. Has trained handlers and dogs for Show ring. Has owned and bred 9 different breeds. Was a veterinary nurse and has since assisted the veterinary profession in various hereditary breeding problems. Kennel Club accredited to provide training on Canina Conformation and Movement and Assessment. Honour of judging Best in Show Crufts 2008. Judged the utility Group at Crufts. Judging eiht breeds crufts up to 2009. Judging Finals Breeders Stakes Crufts 2007. Judged Finals Breeders Stakes in Sweden.
Cox Laura, Irland

Uppfödare av bullterrier under kennelprefixet Coxgal. Även involverad i beagle.
Cox Öee

Lee Cox föddes i en hundfamilj vars ras var clumber spaniel. Lees första egna ras var sussex spaniel och han hade turen att föda upp en Cruft´s bäst i rasen-vinnare i sin första kull vid 10 års ålder! Som tonåring provade han på livet som professionell handler och förde fram champions i olika raser för kunder. 1992 flyttade Lee till Vanitonia och blev delägare 1995.Sedan dess har han ägt, fött upp och/eller visat champions i alla pudelstorlekar liksom ytterligare många certvinnare. Under senare år har Lee haft årets vinstrikaste storpudelhane och storpudeltik i Storbritannien 2005 och även årets toypudelhane och toypudeltik 2006. 2006 förde Lee också fram den yngsta storpudeln någonsin i Storbritannien till championat. Lee Cox är auktoriserad domare för pudlar, clumber spaniel och chinese crested och har dömt i Norge, Finland, Danmark, Holland och Sydafrika samt i Sverige storpudlar i Mariefred, augusti 2007. Lee ser fram emot att se svenska pudlar igen, den här gången de mindre storlekarna

Crooks Roger, England

Roger has had a keen interest in terriers for many years, particularly Smooths, his first champion was made up in 1982 when he was top smooth fox terrier breeder. Ch Crooksmoor Chantilly Lace was the first Crooksmoor champion followed by Crooksmoor Cheeky Chappie and Crooksmoor Commotion.

His first judging appointment was in 1984 at Bolton Fox terrier Club show, judging both coats.
Since then he has judged all the terrier breeds at open shows around the country, also judging best in shows and groups at open show level.

In 1990 he awarded C.C's in Smooths for the first time at the East of England championship show. He now awards C.C's in Smooths, Wires, Lakelands, Manchesters and Bedlington terriers.

Roger's proudest moment came in 2003 when judged smooths at Crufts, he has judged most of the Fox Terrier breed clubs and has awarded C.C's at The Fox Terrier Club show, The Fox Terrier Club of South Wales, The Fox Terrier Club of Scotland and has judged in South Africa, Germany, France and Italy.

He is to judge Best in Show at the Fox Terrier Club championship show in 2006.
In addition to judging, Roger also serves on the committee of The National Terrier Club, possibly the largest terrier club in the world, in the past he has served on the committees of The Fox Terrier Club and the Smooth Fox Terrier Association, he was chairman of The Sporting Terrier Association of Yorkshire and is currently the chairman of the Sheffield Fox Terrier Club, he is also a member of the committee of the Yorkshire Fox Terrier Association.

Crosbie Gladys,Skottland

Jag kommer från Newton Stuart i Skottland. Min första golden skaffade jag redan på 50-talet och har sedan dess haft en mycket klar bild över vad jag vill ha hos en golden. Det var på 70-talet jag mötte en tik som motsvarade mina krav och som sedan gav mig framgångar i så väl avel som på utställning. Jag har dömt runt om i Europa och ett flertal gånger i Sverige. Golden Retriever har alltid varit en stor del av mitt liv och kommer alltid att vara.
Csik Istvan, Tyskland

Uppfödare av pudel. Ursprungligen från Ungern
Cujan Sinisa, Croatia
He had his first encounter with cynology in 1967 and immediately in 1968 he became secretary of the Club for German Shepherds and other sporting dogs. He passed his judging exam in 1969, firstly for Working breeds. Today he is a judge for all breeds of FCI group I; group II except Min Pinschers and Min Schnauzers, Airedale Terriers and American Staffordshire Terr...
iers from the FCI Group III and Dalmatians from FCI group VI.
He got his first dog Great Dane Multi Ch. Bongo von Margrenland in 1968 from Germany. He is a well know specialist judge for the Great Danes and he judged the breed at European, World and EUDDC shows.
He is a founder of the Club for German Shepherds and their long-time secretary, one of the founders of the club for the American Staffordshire Terriers. He has been in Board of CKC (nowadays called Executive Committee) for 22 years and he was President and Secretary of the Committee for Sports Cynology. He has been awarded twice with the gold badge of CKC and had the honor to receive the gold medal of the Committee of the Yugoslav Kennel Club, gold medal and a plaque of Kennel Association of Vojvodina.
His last dog was an American Staffordshire Terrier who died at the age of 15 and who was a well know BIS winner all over Europe
Dahl Elin, Norge
Startet med rottweiler i 1969, drev med utstilling, LP og bruks, og hadde denne rasen frem til 2001. Kjøpte min første labrador i 1991, og har pr. idag 3 tisper. Driver med utstilling, blodspor , jakt-og LP-trening, og har et lite oppdrett under prefix Gullsteinen. Bor i Bergen, ble aut. LP-dommer i 1994.
Dan Pålsson Helle, Danmark
Domare sedan 1989. Fick sin första cocker spaniel 1976 och har fött upp rasen sedan 1984. Har även haft irländskt varghund, engelsk springer spaniel och welsh springer spaniel.
de Cuyper Jos , Holland
Mr de Cuyper has been member of the Belgian Association since 1987. As a breeder he made himself remarked in 1978, when he started breeding Golden Retrievers, then later on Flat Coated and Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. He bred many national and international champions, obtaining with four generations of Nova Scotia four World Champion titles. Mr. Cuyper stopped breeding as he got his judging license and in 1989 was elected member of the Belgian Judge Committee. He has held lectures on genetical, nutritional, microbiological, anatomical and physiological topics. He got his license in 1999 and since then he has judged in: Belgium, Portugal, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Ireland, France, Lithuania, Norway, Holland, Luxemburg, Italy, Lithuania, Croatia, etc.
He is the president of the Belgian National Flat Coated Retriever Club and chairman of the Scientific Committee of Saint Hubert Royal Society. He is President of honor of many other clubs and since 1999 member of the Directing Committee of the Belgian National Association as well
de Ridder-OnghegnaLiliane, Belgien
Allrounder. Uppfödare av dalmatiner samt raser i grupp 10, vinthundar.
de Giuliani Claudio.
Har dömt många gånger i Sverige och behöver kanske ingen närmare presentation. Nämnas kan dock att jakt och fiske ligger honom varmt om hjärtat och att vorsteh är den ras han själv föder upp.

The list of the breeds that I am allowed to judge is (CACIB AND CAC) :
I am All Rounder Judge

My Curiculum Vitae:
I’m 57 years old and I was born in Forno di Zoldo, a little village in the Dolomiti, a fine area known in the world for its mountains. In my life I have always had the dogs as my companion: when I was a child and I joined my father in the hunting and later when I became an hunt, before with a hound, later with a pointing dog, but never without a dog. I have breed at first the German shorthaired pointer, winning in the show competitions. It was 70s! My great love for the German breeds did know to me also the German longhaired pointer and I started to breed them; some of them become important in the show competitions and in the hunt. I was the first Italian breeder who imported the German longhaired pointer into Italy and I had the first Champion in Italy of this breed. I have many interests also for the German wirehaired pointer, but only as a lover and not as a breeder. I have always studied the pure dogs, from the English setter to the Hungarian vizla, from the French pointing dog to the American cocker spaniels. I began to judge in the 1979, about 26 years ago. Now I am All Rounder from 2004. I was a delegate of the Italian kennel club in the C.I.D., (German Wirehaired Pointer dog) and was also a member of the pure breed book National Kennel Club Conseil. I was in last Italian Kennel Club Committee and for this reason I haven’t judge in Italy on the part of 2000 and 2001. Now I am in the Italian Judge Committee. I like writing articles regarding the dogs and I have written on the most popular Italian dogs’ magazine and I have also written 10 books and I have made a video. I like the hunt and walking on the mountains and photographing the nature. Now, with my wife Manuela and my daughter Irene I’m breeding dachshund, with a good success, with many show champions. I have already judged in many Europe countries, in Argentina, in Cyprus, in Greece, in Russia, in Mexico, in Venezuela and Australia and South Africa. I will judge in Word Dog Show on 2009 and 2010, in European Dog Show in 2010 and in Cruft on 2010.

Some results:
German Shorthaired Pointer: since 1970 until 1988; many Excellent in the dog Show and a few results in a field trial; I was in many German Competition;
German Longhaired Pointer : since 1976 until 1990; many many Excellent in the dog Show and a few results in a field trial; one Italian Champion and one International Champion
Dachshound: since 1987 and still today; many Excellent in the dog Show ; a some Italian Champion; International Champion, one Europe Champion; for two time, Vienna and Berna, Second Place with Reserve Cacib in a World Champion, two Club Champion, Reserve Cacib Vienna 2005 European Dog Show

Dahl Bihlet Tenna , Danmark

Välkänd handler. Mycket intresserad av juniorhandling och presentation av hundar
Delerue Pedro, Portugal
I had German Shepards, Irish Setters, Portugese Podengos with Kennel Quinta D'ABroeira, I breed Bobtails, Teckels long, short and Wire with hair, Cão da Serra Aires and English Bulldogs. I have breed more than 12Ch including titles of World European ones in 4 different breeds. My dogs have won more than 400 groups, 50 BIS top Adult, Junior and puppy of the year. As a judge I started in 1990 and I have act in almost all top shows off Europe as well as world show Argentina 2005, Eurasia 2005, Lion 2005, Helsinki and Nordic winner 2005. Best regards.

Delmar Ross, Irland

Ross Delmar föddes in i en riktig hundsläkt då både pappa och farfar fött upp och ställt ut terrier under kennelnamnet Shillelagh. Idag är det kerry blue och släthårig foxterrier som gäller för Ross. Han började döma 1995 och då kerry blue. Resten av terriergruppen har sedan följt på och Ross har dömt på Irland, i England, Ryssland, Finland, Sverige och Danmark

Deneen Dolores,  Irland
Dolores är en väldigt aktiv domare världen över. Uppfödare av engelsk springer spaniel.
De Reus Joop
I have been active in the Kynology since 1966, as a participant to several competitions with class 1 level. In 1976 I was installed as a judge with international acknowledgement by the Raad van Beheer in The Netherlands. Since 1976 I am a member of the board of the Royal Dutch Kennelclub Cynophilia and the President of the division Obedience of Cynophilia.
Together with other members of Cynophilia I did developed the class 2 and 3 for The Netherlands. In 1992 I became a member of the FCI Obedience commission and in 1999 I was asked to take over the Presidency of Mr Bo Jonsson.
In this function I see it as one of the most important tasks to bring together different countries into the FCI Obedience. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky person to see an expansion of the amount of participants (both West and East European) at the World Winner and European Winner in Obedience. Education and training dogs has become an essential part of the dog sport. And I hope that sad incidents with dogs will no longer take place, as we contiue to work for a good upbringing and training, based on modern methods.
The last two years the commission has worked for an improvement of the FCI Rules, which will be final in 2006 for a period of five years. Therefore, I would like to seize the opportunity to thank my fellow commission members for their effort.
de Ridder-Onghegna Liliane, Belgien
En av de två allrounddomarna som finns att tillgå i Belgien. En välkänd dam på utställningar såväl i Sverige som i Europa. Framgångsrik uppfödning av bl. a. dalmatiner och vinthundar under prefixet Irdallys med sin make Franz. Är mycket involverad i dvärghundar och klubben för bichonraser i Belgien. Är aktiv bl. a. i den belgiska kennelklubbens standardkommitté.
Deschuymere Norman,Belgien
Desserne Sylvia, Frankrike
Uppfödare av king charles spaniel, cavalier king charles spaniel samt shih tzu.

Detry Luc, Belgien

Since I was a boy, I breed smooth fox terrier (1966) and I became fox terrier judge since 1976. Later, I also bred wire fox terrier, airedale terrier, west highland white terrier... I started with "des Hellwoodiis" prefix but our kennel is better know under "Belfox" prefix. Since nearly 40 years, I had the chance to meet and also became friends with famous english breeders and judges as Linda Beak (Newmaidley), Cyril Witham (Townville), Joan Langstaff (Sprotboro), Mary Blake (Watteau) and of course my dear friends Frances & Peter Winfield (Riber). My knowledge about terriers I also got through regular contact with the late Les Atkinson and Herbert Atkinson and of course with Maurice Marshall and Monique Van Brempt. I'm very proud of having bred and handled dogs that became not only international and world champions, but also english, australian and american champions. It was a great honour to me to be invited and to judge speciality shows all over the world and particulary, the UK fox terrier club show, the Australian one (Victoria - Melbourne) and the American fox terrier club show. I have also been judging a lot of international dog shows and terrier specialties in many countries in Europe. To be honest, I have to say that the terrier stock from the North countries is certainly to consider one of the best ones in the world. The World show in Stockolm will be the greatest competition and the most interesting to visit, specially for terrier people. It is not the first time I'm invited to judge in Sweden... it was a few years ago and I remember the real quality of the terriers in your country. So it is with great pleasure and interest I will discover how your different breeds have developed.

Deutcher Erwin, Österrike
Har under årens lopp varit uppfödare av strävhårig dvärgtax, långhårig dvärgtax, pudel, shetland sheepdog samt dvärgschnauzer och cavalier king charles spaniel under prefixet  Von der treuen liebelei.
Dickman Ferdi , Tyskland
Kennel Jalisko. Fött upp Chihuahua, shih tzu, griffon bruxellois, men föder nu upp mops och fransk bulldog. Har i unga år haft whippet och skotsk hjorthund. Aktiv i den tyska dvärghundsklubben. Birhunden på Crufts 2006, var hans uppfödning.
di Lorenzo Antonio, Norge
Jag var mycket ung när jag började min uppfödning av Mastino Napoletano och har numer nästan 40 års erfarenhet av rasen. Det har blivit många framgångsrika champions under kennelnamnet Dell`alta Fuimara, bland annat den legendariska Ramona Dell`alta Fuimara och hennse son El Gavilan som blivit världsvinnare två gånger. Jag har hållit flertalet ras-seminarium runt om i världen. Är auktoriserad allrounder och lever numer i Norge tillsammans med Trine Gustavsen och våra hundar.

Antonio has been breeding Mastino Napoletano for about 45 years now, and many dogs from his kennel were champions, world famous “El Gavilan dell`Alta Fiumara” won World winner show twice, his mother winner also in Napoli. Now Antonio lives in Norway and are still breeding in little scale Mastino. Antonio is allround judge and has been judge now 40 years, and has been judging over the world. He has held several seminars of the breed an Italy, Israel, Mexico, Russia, USA and England.

Dinneen Deirdre,Irland
I began exhibiting through junior handlers in the eighties and from there progressed to senior handling o my own breeds: English Springers, Pointers and Beagles. I have capaigned eleven dogs to their title in Ireland, seven English Springers, one Pointer and three Beagles, including two in England. I am currently on committee of the English Springer Spaniel Club of Ireland and the Beagle Club of Ireland. I began judging in 1993 and regularly attend breed and judging seminars. Dömer 1:a gången på Rocklunda 2005

Djupvik Arild
1941 – utgave. Jeg har arbeidet med hund siden 1966. Startet med en schæfer og avslutter nok med en av samme rase. Har konkurrert både innen bruks og lydighet med flere hunder. Med Polarmarkens Herbert (Zorro) ble jeg Norgesmester i Rundering. Zorro og jeg har for øvrig flere andre pallplasseringer i NM både i Rundering og Spor. Vi er også blitt Nordkalottmestre, og har deltatt i flere nordiske mesterskap i brukshundarbeid. Zorro er brukshundchamp i alle grener, spor, rundering og rapport, og naturligvis også i lydighet. Jeg har vært dommer siden slutten av 80-tallet. Jeg dømmer lydighet, agility og brukshund.

Doedijns Rony, Nederländerna.
Dömer första gången här på Lövudden 2005. Han är bl a känd för sina "Saimaan" Finsk spets. Dömer hela grupp 5. 

Judge Mr. Rony Doedijns

 I am involved in the Dog World now for about 31 years. My own breed is Finnish Spitz and Tibetan Terriers. When I was 15 years old I received from my parents my first pedigree dog. This was a Finnish Spitz male puppy bred in Holland. I started showing him and I always say that my first Finnish Spitz was responsible for getting me so deep in the Dog World.

 During the years I imported several Finnish Spitz from the country of origin Finland.

I started breeding Finnish Spitz. I owned or bred several Dutch and international champions, FCI European Champions and FCI World Champions in Finnish Spitz.

 Since may 2007 I was inaugurated by the Dutch Kennel Club as the third all-rounder in the Netherlands, allowed to judge all breeds at championship show level. I am first Dutch judge who completed breed exams in all the 10 FCI groups. I have judged Best In Show and all FCI groups at international level in the Netherlands and abroad. In 2008 I judge BIS at the Dog of the Year show in the Netherlands.

 I have judged in most of the European Countries, UK, Canada, Scandinavia, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Africa, Russia and USA. For more than 30 years I am a member of SCANDIA the breed club for Scandinavian Spitz breeds in the Netherlands. I became a member of the British Kennel Club in November 2010.

 Occasionally I am doing the commentary at the main ring at dog shows in the Netherlands. For many years I was one of the commentators at the International Amsterdam Winner Show. I did the commentary at the European Show 2011.

 In 2009 they gave me the honor to judge Best in Show at the Amsterdam Winner show. One of the biggest Dog shows in the Europe.

 I’m Managing Director of the Dutch Kennel Club. Team member of the comity that will run the World Dog Show in 2018 in Amsterdam the Netherlands.

I’m chairman of the Dog of the year Show in the Netherlands this the most important TOP DOG event in the country!

 I’m board member (Winner team) for the Amsterdam Winner Show. The biggest and oldest Dog Show in the Netherlands. For many years I was board member of the judge’s society in the Netherlands.

 Information Dutch Kennel Club via:

Information Amsterdam Winner Show via:

 Rony Doedijns (All Round judge)                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Dumitrescu Alin, Rumänien

Dumiland bullterriers. Alin började åka på hundutställningar med sina föräldrar och fick sin första rasrena hund 1987. Han har sedan dess visat och fött upp bullterrier och engelsk bulldog. Han blev auktoriserad domare 2005 och dömer terriergruppens bullraser.

Alin har engagerat sig i föreningsarbete inom hundklubbar och har jobbat mycket som sekreterare och kommisarie på olika utställningar. Han är för närvarande vice president i Oltenia Kennel Club, Romania Terriers Typ Bull Club och president i Oltenia Terriers Typ Bull Club. Han är medlem i avelsrådet hos Dolj Kennel Club.

60 years
Activity for the Kennel Club:
• President of Club St Hubert du Nord (Kennel Club for the north of France)...
• President of the Club du Caniche de France
• Judge all breeds, 1st nomination in 1989.
• I was
• President of the Afghan and Saluki French Club
• President of the Greyhound French Club
• Secretary of the Bergers des Pyrénées and Pyrenean Mountain Dog French Club
• Secretary and Member of the committee of the French Kennel Club (SCC)
What I have done with the dogs:
• Owner and handler of Afghans (one of my dogs was showed in USA in 1983)
• Owner and handler of Berger des Pyrenees
• Owner of Shih Tzu
• I have presented my dogs in France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Tchecoslovaquie, Austria, Yugoslavia, Spain, Italy, Portugal.
I have judged in:
France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, USA, Czech Republic, Poland, Finland, Hungary, Sweden, Canada, Portugal, Slovakia, Lithuania, Monaco, Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Latvia, Australia, Uzbekistan, Estonia....