Domare I

Illukka Tiina






I have been involved in dog breeding (kennel Caballus) and dog showing for over 40 years. I started with Dalmatians. Since 1986 I have owned and bred Curly Coated Retrievers, my main breed of interest. I have also bred Jack Russell Terriers and Gordon Setters. I have bred five English Champions (three full champions in Curlies) and the Gordon Setter record holder (36 CC’s) in males in UK.

My profession is a veterinarian and my special interest is in reproduction: artificial insemination and semen freezing. I have a canine semen bank, Vetmasters at Petvet Clinic in Turku, Finland.

I have been FCI judge since 1993. Currently I am judging group 7 and 8, and parts of group 3 and 6. I have judged the Breed Speciality of Curly Coats in Australia, Britain and USA and all Gundogs in most European countries and Russia.

Personally I prefer outdoor life with dogs and spend my free time hiking and biking in the summer and skiing in the winter. I train my Curlies for working and I want to keep it a dual purpose breed.


Indergaard Anne, Norge

ANNE INDERGAARD tok sine første barneskritt, godt støttet av en buhund. Hennes første, helt egne hund var en schäfer som hun stilte ut med rimelig suksess. Allerede på tidlig 70tall skaffet foreldrene seg den første corgien, og kort tid etter kom den første hos Anne. I ca 25 år har hun drevet oppdrett i liten skala under kennelnavnet Annwn, og hennes hunder har gjort det bra både forhenne og andre, hjemme og i utlandet, deriblant har 5 stykker vært Årets Corgi i Norge. I tillegg til corgiene er hun også medeier i en dvergschnauzer, salt og pepper, som hun har stilt til sin tittel. Hun er autorisert til å dømme hele gruppe 5 pluss endel store raser i gruppe 1 og har dømt i de fleste land i Vest-Europa, samt USA og Australia.


started life with a Norwegian Buhund, but the first dog that was hers and not a family dog was a German Shepherd, whom she showed with some success. In the early 70’s her parents bought the first corgi, and soon Anne had one as well. For over 25 years now she has bred on average a litter a year under the prefix ANNWN. Her dogs have been doing well, both for her and others, at home and abroad. Among others, 5 of them have been Corgi of the Year in Norway. In addition to the corgis, she also co-owns a salt and pepper miniature schnauzer, whom she titled. She judges all breeds, group 5 plus the British breeds in group 1, and has judged in most countries in Western Europe plus USA and Australia.

Indrebö Astrid, Norge
Jag har haft glädjen av att umgås och arbeta med hundar i större delan av mitt liv, både genom mitt arbete som veterinär men också i privatlivet. I snart 30 år har jag tillsammans med min man drivit liten uppfödning av Newfoundland under kennelnamnet Birkorella. Vi har fött upp runt 35 champions och idag finns fyra generationer av vår uppfödning i hemmet. Där den äldsta är 11 år och gammelmormor till den yngsta på 18 månader.
På ytterdörren till vårt hus hänger en skylt, med följande text:
This house is for the comfort of our dogs. If you love dogs, you’ll understand.
If not – what are you doing here?
Jag har i nästan 20 år arbetat som chefsveterinär för Norska Kennelklubben och är ordförande för Hälsokommittén. Jag har föreläst på många nationella och internationella seminarier och kongresser runt om i världen, både för veterinärer, domare och uppfödare. I mer än 20 år har jag varit ansvarig för undervisning i genetik och funktionell anatomiutbildning av norska domare. Jag har skrivit ett par böcker och många artiklar om bland annat fisk, födslar, pediatrik, ärftliga sjukdomar och funktionell anatomi. Sedan 2008 har jag varit ordförande i FCI Breeding kommission.
Jag var godkänd som auktoriserad domare 2005 på Newfoundland hund, Berner sennenhund och övriga bergraser, St.Bernhardshund, Pyrenée och Leonberger. Jag har fått döma på specialutställningar för alla dessa raser, och flera av dem stora specialutställningar runt om i världen: Kanada, Australien, Nya Zeeland, Ryssland, Italien, Polen, Finland, Danmark, Sverige – och Norge.
En särskilt stor ära och upplevelse var det att få döma den nationella specialen på min egen ras i rasen hemland Kanada under 2010, och även Gold Cup i Danmark, som är den största specialutställningen för Newfoundland i Europa.
Centralt för mitt arbete som domare är: typ, funktion och hälsa.
För mig är det viktigt att bedöma hela hunden, inte överfokusera på små fel och mindre viktiga detaljer.
Alla kan se om svansen är lite hög, en tand position är något oregelbunden, hunden fäller päls, öron är lite stor eller små ögon som lyser upp. Det är detaljer som kan ha en visst betydelse på bedömningen, men enligt min mening är den funktionella anatomin och helheten viktigare än små detaljer. Korrekt front är mycket viktigare än en glad svans, eftersom fronten gör mycket mer för hundarnas funktionell hälsa. En utmärkt utställningshund måste ha en funktionell anatomi, som gör det möjligt att arbeta i timmar så som rasstandarden för rasen beskriver.
Poängen är att en förstklassig utställningshund också måste vara en funktionellt friska hundar med rätt ras specifika detaljer, men utan de osunda överdrifterna. Den måste vara frisk för att vara vacker!

Ingram Ann, Irland

I was born into the world of dogs with a mother who bred Boxers and a father who was a Terrier man and professional handler. I started to handle almost as soon as I could walk since when I have had 21 English Champions and over 100 Irish Champions in Boxers, Poodles, Lhasa Apsos & Boston Terriers. With the occasional Whippet, Beagle, Pug and Shetland Sheepdog as well. I am currently showing Boxers and Toy Poodles. In 1968 I had my first judging appointment and became an All Breeds Judge in Ireland in 1984. I have judged extensively round the world, in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, England including Crufts, and of course Ireland.

Ann Ingram

I was born into the world of dogs with a mother who bred Boxers and a father who was a Terrier man and professional handler, I started to handle almost as soon as I could walk!! Wanting to have something different for myself I bought a Boston Terrier from England which became my first English Champion when I was just 14 years old. It was not long before I transferred my affections to Boxers and Poodles and in later years Lhasa Apsos with the occasional Whippet, Beagle, Pug and Shetland Sheepdog just for fun!!! I have subsequently made up 21 English Champions and over 100 Irish Champions.

In 1968 I had my first judging appointment under both I.K.C. and E.K.C. Rules. I awarded C.C.s for the first time in 1977 and became an All Rounder under I.K.C. Rules in 1984. I am currently an All Breeds Judge under F.C.I. Rules and have regularly judged in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, South Africa, South America and 11 European Countries, more than 22 Countries in total, including 3 times at the Stockholm International Winners Show, Best In Show at Brisbane Royal 2004, Best In Show Helsinki International Winners Show 2005, & Boxer Dogs at Crufts 2006.

I currently try to find a balance between judging and breeding dogs, as I still exhibit on a regular basis. I am President of both the Irish Boxer Dog Club and Poodle Association of Ireland and have served 3 years as Chairperson of the Belfast Dog Show Society

Ann Ingram

I was born into the world of dogs with a mother who bred Boxers and a father who was a Terrier man and professional handler, I started to handle almost as soon as I could walk!! Wanting to have something different for myself I bought a Boston Terrier from England which became my first English Champion when I was just 14 years old. It was not long before I transferred my affections to Boxers and Poodles and in later years Lhasa Apsos with the occasional Whippet, Beagle, Pug and Shetland Sheepdog just for fun!!! I have subsequently made up 24 English Champions and over 100 Irish Champions. 

Past President of the Irish Boxer Dog Club and Poodle Club of Ireland, I also served as Chairperson of Belfast Dog Show Society for several years. Aged 16, 

I had my first judging appointment under both I.K.C. and E.K.C. Rules. I awarded C.C.s for the first time in 1977 at the Scottish Boxer Club Silver Anniversary Ch. Show. I judged regularly over the following years and became an All Rounder under I.K.C. Rules in 1984. I am currently an All Breeds Judge under F.C.I. Rules and I am approved in the UK to judge at Group Level, All Groups & Best In Show. I have regularly judged in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, South Africa, South America and 14 European Countries, more than 32 Countries in total, including 3 times at the Stockholm International Winners Show, The European Winners Show Budapest, European Winners Show Dublin, Hobart Royal, Best In Show at Brisbane Royal 2004, Best In Show Helsinki International Winners Show 2005, 2 appointments at Crufts, Best In Show Belfast Ch. Show and Utility Group British Utility Breeds Association Ch. Show. I still love the Breeding side of the Dog World & try to find a balance between judging and breeding dogs. I no longer show Boxers but I still exhibit Toy Poodles on a regular basis and won the Dog C.C. at Crufts 2008 and World Winner Stockholm 2008. And World Winner Herning 2010.

Ann Ingram
Växte upp i en familj där mamman födde upp boxer och pappan var en terrier man och tillika proffesionell handler. Ann visade sin första egna hund till champion när hon var 14 år, en bostonterrier. Snart övergick hennes intresse till boxer och pudel som hon fött upp och tävlat mycket framgångsrikt med. Hon vann med toypudel både på världsutställningarna i Stockholm och Herning och blev årets vintrikaste hund alla raser på Irland 2014.
Sitt första domaruppdrag fick Ann blott 16 år gammal och som yngsta någonsin, 25 år gammal fick hon äran att döma den stora boxerspecialens silverjubileums utställning i Skottland. 
Ann är allrounddomare sedan många år och är ofta anlitad runt om i världen på de allra största utställningarna både som ras, grupp och BIS domare.



Inzoli Massimo (IT)

I am breeder of Dogo Argentino with the affix “ de Angel o Demonio” since 1992, even if my life with dogs started in the late seventies when I was very young. In these years my family made few litters of Neapolitan mastiff and I have grown in the legs of few of them. Later we  owned other breeds as Great Dane , Rottweiler and Yorkshire terrier. I have bred several Champions of Italy and abroad. One male from my breeding has won the official Ranking of FCA in 2007, as most prized Dogo Argentino of the year in Argentina.I am Molossers specialist judge and I am approved to judge:  Group 2° (all breeds), Group 3° (bull-type terriers), Group 4° (all breeds), Group 5° (all breeds), Group 10 (all breeds) and Best in Show. 

I have judged all over Italy, as well as in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bielorussia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Sweden, Spain, San Marino, Switzerland, Ukraine and the United States. I  judged Italian Cane Corso at the World Dog Show in 2012 in Salzburg (Austria) and in 2015 at the WDS in Italy. 

I organized and was one of the speakers at the first judges’ refresher course about Dogo Argentino organized by ENCI in 2005, furthermore I have given lectures regarding the Dogo Argentino in Spain, Portugal, Finland and Hungary and regarding Cane Corso in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Macedonia, Holland, Brasil, Bulgaria and the USA. I am “ENCI mentor judge” for new judges in Italy for Cane Corso and Dogo Argentino and, effective January 2012, I am the judge for CAE-1 certification (test for obedience responsiveness and stable temperament of Good Citizen dogs and owners). I am the vice president of the Cynological Group Delegation ENCI of Caltanissetta, and I am the founder of the Dogo Argentino Club Italia (DACI), and past vice president of that organization.

Inzoli Massimo

I am breeder of Dogo Argentino with the affix “ de Angel o Demonio” since 1992, even if my life with dogs started in the late seventies when I was very young. In these years my family made few litters of Neapolitan mastiff and I have grown in the legs of few of them. Later we owned other breeds as Grand Dane , Rottweiler and Yorkshire terrier.

I have bred several Champions of Italy and abroad. One male from my breeding has won the official Ranking of FCA in 2007, as most prized Dogo Argentino of the year in Argentina.

I am Molossers specialist judge and I am approved to judge: Group 2° (all breeds), Group 3° (bull-type terriers), Group 4° (all breeds), Group 5° (all breeds), Group 7° (Bracco Italiano), Group 8° (all breeds), Group 9° (Maltese and Bolognese) Group 10 (all breeds) and Best in Show.
I have judged all over Italy, as well as in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bielorussia, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Sweden, Spain, San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United States. I judged at the World Dog Show in 2012 in Salzburg (Austria) and in 2015 at the WDS in Italy. I will judge at the WDS 2018 in Holland and WDS 2020 in Spain.

I organized and was one of the speakers at the first judges’ refresher course about Dogo Argentino organized by ENCI in 2005, furthermore I have given lectures regarding the Dogo Argentino in Argentina, Finland, Hungary, Portugal and Spain and regarding Cane Corso in Italy, Brasil, Bulgaria, Holland, Macedonia, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey and the USA.

I am “ENCI mentor judge” for new judges in Italy for Cane Corso and Dogo Argentino and, effective January 2012, I am the judge for CAE-1 certification (test for obedience responsiveness and stable temperament of Good Citizen dogs and owners). I am the vice president of the Cynological Group Delegation ENCI of Caltanissetta, and I am the founder of the Dogo Argentino Club Italia (DACI), and past vice president of that organization

Ireland-Cook Sandra , Storbritannien
Uppfödare och rasspecialist för cavalier king charles spaniel.

A third-generation breeder of Border Terriers, Mr. Irving finished his first British champion in 1966. His wife, Kate, is also from a family of distinguished Border Terrier fanciers, who exhibit under the Dandyhow banner. Together, the families are responsible for more than 50 U.K. champion Borders and three U.K. Dandie Dinmont champions. Mr. Irving handled U.K. Ch. Dandyhow Scotsman to Reserve Best Terrier at Crufts in 1982. In addition to showing and breeding Dandyhow dogs, Mr. Irving bred several champion Border Terriers in his own name.

Mr. Irving is approved to judge at U.K. championship shows Best in Show, the Terrier Group and several other breeds. He has twice judged the Terrier Group at Crufts and the U.K. National Terrier Club Best in Show in 1988. Other plum assignments include the Border Terrier Club of America national (twice), the Montgomery County show (several times), and Westminster (twice).

Iversen Per, Norge
Är auktoriserad på alla raser i grupperna 4, 7 och 8, samt 10 bortsett från Afghan. Dömer också några raser i grupp 3 och 9. Jag började med hund i slutet av -60 talet. 1972 fick jag min första Flatcoated Retriever och har sedan dess haft rasen. Samma år blev jag intresserad av Whippet. Har ägt hundar av följande raser: Flat, Whippet, Släthårig Foxterrier, Norwich och strävhårig dvärgtax. Har varit domare i 25 år och dömt i ett antal länder.Iversen Per 

Dommer siden 1978 for Flatcoated Retriever.

På Crufts i 2003 dømte jeg hanhunder, min vinner var Inkwell Named Shadow. Han vant gruppen senere på dagen.

Har dømt rasen på ch. shows 12 ganger i England, Flatklubbens club show 3 ganger i Sverige, klubb shows i USA, Canada, Holland med flere.

Importerte min første Flatcoated Retriever fra England i 1972. Dømmer the Gundog group på Crufts i 2020.

Ser frem til å dømme min egen rase på Stockholm Hundmässa 2018.